Book Reviews from Christian E-Authors

Christian E-Authors post excerpts and links to reviews of e-books and books from small presses. Books may be fiction or nonfiction; Christian or secular; adult, young adult, or children - but all recommended books will be family-friendly.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

The New Day Dawns by Grace Anne Schaefer

I have to start this with a disclaimer. I was one of three editors on The New Day Dawns by Grace Anne Schaefer, so I have to admit to a little bias! However, the book has garnered several favorable reviews and been well-received by readers, so my good opinion isn't total bias.

The New Day Dawns is Book 1 in the five-book People of the Frozen Earth family saga. The story takes place nearly 2000 years ago on the Western Great Plains; the ancestors of the People of the Frozen Earth had crossed over the land bridge from Siberia seeking a new life. The young warrior Mach and the chief's daughter Horda are preparing to experience the Mating Rituals. Their joyous plans are interrupted and almost destroyed by a combination of their own actions, tribal mores, evil enemies, and forces of nature. They must use all their skills; strengths; and beliefs in themselves, each other, and the values of the People to not only survive, but triumph. In the end, they learn that what they have become is more important than what they were.

One of my favorite reviews is written by someone who was surprised he liked the book and even more surprised to be writing a review.

Grace Anne wanted to donate 10% of the Internet sales of her books to an Indian charity. I recommended the International Anglican Fellowship, specifying the donations be designated for the Lakota Sioux. When Grace Anne learned more about these people, she became very excited. "These are my people!" she exclaimed. The Lakota Sioux are among the descendants of the People of the Frozen Earth.

After she committed to tithing Internet sales to the Lakota Sioux, Walter Kilian, the Executive Director of the International Anglican Fellowship (IAF), decided he should read the book if he intended to recommend it. He wrote a review in the latest issue of the IAF newsletter. The review is on page 2 of Vol. 10, Easter Season, 2005 - the URL will change when a new issue comes out.

He wrote: "It was absolutely beyond my expectation. As a retired naval officer I've read all of John (sic) Clancy's books and several of John Grisham's books that Cynthia has introduced me to. This is as good as those and the IAF is making money too! . . . I had a difficult time putting the book down and perhaps best of all Cynthia did too!"

The New Day Dawns is available from GASLight Publishing as an e-book (HTML or PDF) or trade paperback and from as a trade paperback.


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